Nastatupla GP, Double Trap, 19.6.2016

Competition and categories:

Double Trap 150 targets + final Men and Junior Men
Double Trap 120 targets Ladies (only if at least 6 entries)


latest on Wednesday 1.6.2016, entry form below

Entry fees:

Individual competition 150 targets 60 euros/person
Individual competition 120 targets 50 euros

Entry fees shall be paid upon arrival in the competition office in cash

Shooting range:

Salola shotgun range, Orimattila


Friday 19.6.2016 between 12 and 18
Saturday 18.6.2016 between 12 and 18
(on Saturday not during prize awarding ceremony of Pohjolakiekko GP)

Competition manager:

Heikki Romppanen

Contact and press:

Päivi Könönen, paivi.kononen[at]